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GE Hitachi Nuclear: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - BWR Executive Seminar

There are currently no Courses Scheduled for GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - BWR Executive Seminar.

Course Description

BWR Executive Seminar

GEH BWR Expertise – Improving your Plant Management

GEH has more than 50 years in the nuclear energy industry and is the original designer of Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) nuclear power plants. To help utilities better manage BWR plants, GEH offers Executive BWR Training — a proven course of instruction for executives and upper management. Designed to increase overall knowledge of plant and system design, operation and maintenance, the course is especially valuable for management personnel with little or no commercial nuclear experience, or to those who only have PWR experience.

Customized Training

The course focuses on plant design and operation, while also providing an overview of systems, components, and procedures. To accommodate various learning styles, Executive BWR Training utilizes numerous training methods, including tours, presentations by experts, and reactor maintenance and refueling training at our refueling and maintenance facility. Course content is tailored to the needs of utilities and may be customized for specific sites.
Modules available for this customized training include operation analysis, technical issues, systems design, safety functions, abnormal events analysis, station nuclear engineering, core management, mechanical maintenance, refueling floor activities, inspection activities, chemistry, instrumentation and control.

One-of-a-Kind Facility 

  • Training provided at full-scale reactor and component mock-up  in San Jose, California
  • Reactor can be drained and filled for tours, tooling testing, and qualification
  • Ability to practice moving dummy fuel bundles; conduct modification and tooling qualifications; and perform In-Vessel Visual Inspections (IVVI) training and qualification



  • Increased overall knowledge for upper management of BWR nuclear power plants and systems, including technical training on plant design, operation and maintenance
  • GEH’s experience of more than 50 years in the nuclear power industry ensures customized training from the most qualified experts
  • Establishment of relationships with key industry experts


  • Emphasis  on  plant design  and operation
  • Module  selection for customized training
  • Utilizes numerous training methods, including tours, presentations by experts, and use of our refueling and maintenance facility
  • Unique facility with hands-on learning opportunities in a full- scale reactor


Building an agenda. . .

   The Executive BWR Training typically lasts four days but may be tailored to fit the individual and unique needs of the participants. A sample course schedule of events includes the following modules:

Day 1

  • Intro to BWRs
  • BWR vs. PWR
  • Basic Theory: Reactor (Rx) Physics
  • Nuclear Boiler: Reactor Pressure Vessel & Internals
  • Reactivity Control Systems: Control Rods (CRs) and CR Drive Mechanism (CRDM)
  • In-Vessel Tour (LAB)
  • Plant & Containment Mockups (LAB)

Day 2

  • CRD Hydraulics / Reactor Manual Control / Reactor Protection System (RPS)
  • Basic Theory: Thermal Hydraulics
  • Reactivity Control Systems: Recirculation System, Recirculation Flow Control, Power to Flow Concepts
  • Standby Liquid Control
  • Transient & Safety Analysis: Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS)
  • BWR Material Issues
  • Basic Theory: Fuel Thermal Limits
  • Heat Removal / Control Systems
  • Neutron Monitoring Systems (NMS)

Day 3

  • Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS)
  • Transient & Safety Analysis: Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
  • Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
  • Current BWR Licensing Issues
  • Core Power Response
  • Fuel Moves (LAB)
  • BWR Component Mockups (LAB)
  • Reactor Modifications

Day 4

  • BWR Startup Overview
  • Transient & Safety Analysis: Design Bases & Analyses
  • Asset Enhancement Activities: Power Uprate Projects Plant Performance Improvement Projects Post-Fukushima Event Safety Enhancements
  • Offgas/Standby Gas Treatment
  • BWR Water Chemistry Overview: Hydrogen Water Chemistry Noble Metal Chemistry 
  • GEH Advanced Reactor Designs (ABWR & ESBWR)
  • Core Operating Strategies
  • GEH Instrument Setpoint Methodology
  • GEH Facilities Tour: Rx Services Test Tower, Weld Lab

For more information, contact your GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy sales representative  or visit us at

For registration and course enrollment visit