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Excitation - LCI for Turbine Static Start : O-ELX11002 - Excitation - LS2100 LCI for Turbine Static Start

There are currently no Courses Scheduled for O-ELX11002 - Excitation - LS2100 LCI for Turbine Static Start.

Course Description




Course Description

This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel who configure and maintain the LCI™ static starter.

Laboratory assignments include hardware identification, Hyper terminal, and Control System Toolbox™ communications, understanding the monitor commands, and user diagnostic tests.

This course will utilize a full functioning LCI™ starter. Lectures and hands-on exercises develop a thorough understanding of the equipment.


4 Days

Target Audience

  • Leadership
  • Supervisors
  • Electrical Maintenance
  • Instrumentation & Controls
  • Operation & Maintenance Personnel


Participants should have:

  • Instruction is given in English, therefore a reasonable ability to read and understand spoken English is required
  • Electrical experience / education
  • Familiarity with Windows
  • Reasonable computer skills
  • Participants are encouraged to research their turbine-generator equipment and documentation to verify they have an LS2100 static starter, and to bring a copy of their system elementary drawing with them to class

Class Size

Maximum number of students: 12

Learning Objectives

This course will provide basic knowledge on the following:

  • What the LS2100 is used for
  • How the LS2100 changes the speed of the generator/motor
  • Maintenance on the pump panel
  • Understanding of the .lsb file used in Toolbox
  • Understand and troubleshoot the connectivity between the LS2100, the Turbine Control, and the Exciter



Course Content


  1. Instructor background
  2. Participant background
  3. Course schedule

Lesson 1 - ls2100 Overview and start sequence

  1. LS2100 Ratings
  2. LS2100 Principle of Operation
  3. Static Starer Units Mayor Parts Overview
  4. Static Starter Units Startup Sequence

Lesson 2 - ls2100 hardware

  1. LS2100 Control Cabinet Boards Location and Function
  2. LS2100 Pump Cabinet Devices Location and Function
  3. LS2100 Power Conversion Cabinet Boards and Devices Locations and Function
  4. LS2100 Auxiliaries Location and Function

Lesson 3 - ls2100 Software and crossover configuration

  1. LS2100 Toolbox Introduction
  2. LS2100 Software Diagrams
  3. LS2100 Crossover Configuration Types
  4. LS2100 Print Reading
  5. LS2100 Trends Overview

Lesson 4 - ls2100 troubleshooting

  1. LS2100 Troubleshooting and Maintenance Documentation
  2. LS2100 Keypad Trip/Alarm Viewer