
**Remote Delivery of certain Instructor-led Open Enrollment and Site Specific courses is now available!**

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GE Hitachi Nuclear: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - Reactor Recirc for Engineers

There are currently no Courses Scheduled for GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - Reactor Recirc for Engineers.

Course Description

Reactor Recirculation System Training for Engineers 

The Reactor Recirculation System training is a two and one-half (2 ½) day course for engineers with varying levels of power plant experience.   The purpose of this material is to present a general overview of the design background and operational features of the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Reactor Recirculation System (Recirc).  The course is intended to enhance the fundamental understanding of the Recirc design which would aid in addressing issues related to system operation and diagnostics. 

The course material covers the Reactor Recirculation System, Recirculation Flow Control System.  Topics covered are:  Evolution of the Recirc System, Major components, Engineering Fundamentals, Flow Control, Flow Calibration, Component Issues, Introduction to Troubleshooting & Diagnostics, Technical Specifications, and Service Information Letters (SILS).  Also, a tour will be provided of the GEH facility located in San Jose, CA, including an In-Vessel and components tour. 

Who should attend?

This 2 ½ day course is recommended for new Reactor Recirculation System engineers or as a refresher for more experienced Recirc engineers.  This training is particularly beneficial to less experienced System engineers who have just recently assumed a Recirc responsibility at their plant(s).


Due to the nature and content of the seminar, proof of US Citizenship, Green-Card, or citizenship from a Non-Export Controlled Country (approved by US Dept of Energy) is required. 

Course Requirements and Attire: 

The appropriate dress for this course is business casual. Please note that the GEH Refueling and Maintenance facility in San Jose, California is a place of business - no tank tops or shirts with inappropriate verbiage or signs. Appropriate shoes (no open toes or high heels) are required for tours within the facility.